Donnerstag, 30.Dezember, 2021

Lokale Hilfsprojekte 2021 in Togo


Auch im Jahr 2021 haben wir wieder hilfsbedürftige Kinder und Jugendliche aus benachteiligten Vierteln von Lomé unterstützt und die Kosten für das Schulmaterial der mittellose Kinder in den Bezirken Bassadji, Biossé, Amoutiévé und Umgebung übernommen. Insgesamt 69 Schulkinder konnten wir so komplett ausstatten. Die Kinder stammen aus den unterschiedlichsten kulturellen und religiösen Umfeldern, teilen jedoch die gleichen sozialen Schwierigkeiten. Die meisten dieser Kinder sind Waisen oder kommen aus sehr ärmlichen Verhältnissen.
An dieser Stelle ein großes Lob und Dankeschön für unser Seelevel Team vor Ort, bestehend aus Blaise und Aniel. Nachfolgend findet ihr den Bericht der beiden über die Aktion.


Like any charitable organization, the SEELEVEL association has once again given a smile to the underprivileged children of a district of Lomé who indeed, let us recall that the SEELEVEL association is not at its first attempt in Togo in terms of assistance to the underprivileged and to organized groups of young people from disadvantaged neighborhoods of Lomé.

For the 2021-2022 academic year, the SEELEVEL association has further invested in people by paying for school supplies to destitute children in the districts of Bassadji, Biossé, Amoutiévé and its surroundings.
69 school children have benefited from this help from the SEELEVEL association. These children come from different languages and religions but share the same social difficulties. Most of these children are orphans of either father or mother. Some children come from very poor parents or from physically or visually impaired parents.

In order to support these children in food, the association offered them rice and spaghetti.

In the continuity of activities, on 07 October, SEELEVEL association through its representatives in Togo made the same donation of school supplies to students of the general education college (CEG) of the locality of Lankouvi. In this school, 84 destitute students targeted and benefited from donations of school supplies. This is a way for the SEELEVEL association to come to their aid as a school.

The Director of the CEG warmly thanked the association for these repetitive actions in their place. He continued with other complaints like mobile laboratory (technological electricity kit) to do chemical and physical experiments for the students.

Finally, representatives of the SEELEVEL association visited the Mother Charity orphanage to greet the children of this center. This visit was marked by the official presentation of a hand washing mechanism as part of the fight against the spread of COVID-19.

In short, 153 children and adolescents have benefited from aid from the SEELEVEL association in terms of educational support.

Done in Lomé on 16 October 2021

The representatives of the SEELEVEL association in Togo:

Blaise and Aniel

Lokale Hilfsprojekte 2021 in Togo