“Juma Lukondya I” Aid Project (2016/17)

Final documentary “Juma Lukondya I” (German)

AConclusion report aid project “Juma Lukondya I” (2016/17)

We’ve done it! Our first aid project was a total success!

Here first and foremost a huge thank you to all out donors and supporters, without whom this could never have happened.    The collection box at the Turmberg race had to be emptied five times, and thanks to the article in the Spiegel Online the DHL delivery man rang the bell every day bringing bigger and bigger boxes (a big hello to all the couriers!) and the crowdfunding campaign achieved its target quicker than we had thought possible.

All in all we were sent nearly 300 shirts, 160 pairs of shorts, 90 helmets, every conceivable type of equipment and 3 very good bicycles!

Thanks to Condor Contribute’s kind support  we were able to ship all these donations to Juma’s training group in Zanzibar.   After a bit of difficulty at customs everything got to where it was meant to go.    But you can see for yourselves….


The donations were given out before a race that had been organised specially for us.   You can see Juma’s racing team in the photo.   There are other training groups too but because the number of starters had to be limited they couldn’t all race.  But of course they too received training kit.   We attended a training session the day after the race to see the youngest kids in their new outfits.


You can see more in the final documentary.   We can tell you now that on the 2nd and 3rd of July it will be possible to get a bit of a preview of the documentary.  In the context of its heritage series “200 years of cycling”,  the Karlsruhe KINEMATHEK  will be showing a  SEELEVEL  short  film about the “Juma Lukondya” project.   It would be great if lots of you could be there!

You might  see the helmet you gave us in the photos, or your shirt, or your boots.   The boys were really delighted and put their new outfits on as soon as they were given to them.   We were very impressed by the speed with which the cyclists completed the 23 km race.   The boy who came fifth flew in to the finish on  a completely rusty single-speed bike – like a clapped out old student’s bike.    To be honest,  even in training I don’t think I’d have stood a chance, even on my €2,500 Cube bike…

We hope you are looking forward to the photos, and especially to the documentary that we are working on day and night!

We are still in close touch with Juma, of course, and next we’d like to help him build his training centre.   We’ll let you know as soon as that is going to happen!

This is what 2016 looked like



When Juma Lukondya was only 11 he fled from mainland Tanzania to  Zanzibar all by himself in search of a better life.  And thus begins an incredible life story.    He lived with a surrogate family in Zanzibar.   As a young lad he watched the Tour de France on an old  cathode ray tube television set and started cycling the distances ridden in the stages of the Tour.    These days Juma is a professional cyclist, considered  unusual in his own country and positively exotic  in Africa.   A lot of people know him and his life history, and there are plenty of children and young people in the poor villages who seek to emulate him.   Juma decided to coach them.   He now has 47 children and young people in his Junior Team.     Unfortunately there is no way of getting hold of equipment there.   So his protégés often have to train in rather strange not to say downright disadvantageous conditions.   Some of them use rice bowls for helmets!


We are very happy that  the Karlsruhe Cycling Club DIE SOFFI e.V has pledged its support.    We would like to appeal  to all cyclists, cycling enthusiasts and spectators to help Juma and his young people.

Have a look in your cupboards for anything that a cycling team could use!   We are looking for all sizes, from kidskids’ sizes  upwards, of helmets, shorts, shirts, but also tubes, pumps, cycling gloves ….. and we’d be happy if you’d like to donate wholeentire racing bikes or mountain bikes!   Our target is 47 helmets, 47 shirts and 47 pairs of cycling shorts!

We’ll be at the Turmberg race with a collection box and be happy to take donations in kind too.    We also need cash to fund the logistics.    If you would like to help but don’t have any cycling equipment to offer, we would be

very grateful for donations to our donations account.

At our info stand we will be showing some first impressions, in film, of our  “Juma project”.  We will be happy to answer any questions and to hear your suggestions.   Come and say hello!


You can donate money to the “Juma Lukondya” project here.   As we are at the start-up stage as an Association we can’t  open an account for donations just yet.   So initially we are using a crowd-funding platform “betterplace.org”.

You can reach our project using the link www.betterplace.org/p43733.

You can donate using this link.  Donations will be used exclusively to fund the logistics of this project.  Any extra money will go into a piggy-bank for building Juma’s training centre.   Very many thanks!


You can also make a  transfer to our donations account.    Please always remember to tell us the name of the project that you wish to support.

Donations account
A/C no.: 108 240 912
Sort code: 660 501 01
Bank: Sparkasse Karlsruhe


IBAN: DE38 6605 0101 0108 2409 12