Friday, 6.January, 2023

Local aid project in Togo 2022

ACTIVITY REPORT OCTOBER 2022 from Blaise & Aniel (Seelevel Office Togo)

Come back to school year 2022/23

In carrying out its humanitarian mission, the SEELEVEL association offered a smile to 146 vulnerable children in the suburbs of Lomé at the start of the new academic year. Indeed, 93 beneficiaries are orphan children of father or mother and some of the children of Handisport’ club players living in the area of Amoutiévé, Bassadi and its surroundings. Given the economic situation of the families of the latter becoming more and more degrading because of the high cost of basic necessities, many felt very relieved with these school kits composed of 5 notebooks of 200 pages, 10 notebooks of 100 pages, stylos, pencils, eraser, slate, geometric set, cover, ruler and pencil sharpener… It should be noted that some parents present expressed their joy of thanks to the association.

Similarly, the CEG LANKOUVI was not the least. This time the new director of the said institution organized a favorable reception for the team and himself identified the 53 vulnerable children who did not have all their school supplies one week after the start of the 2022-2023 academic year. Before the departure of the local team, the Director thanked the goodwill who by their actions from afar or loan were able to think of its establishment. Finally, he seeks the help of the SEELEVEL association to support him in the construction of a school building.

In the same locality of Lankouvi, the “Mother charity” orphanage was visited. The local team of the association was welcomed by the founder mum Charity who, after having told about her stay in Europe, received with joy and thanked the donors. The donations consist of 4 boxes of spaghetti and 2 bags of rice. She then returned to the food difficulties that the orphanage has been facing lately given the soaring food prices in the country.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank Blaise and Aniel for once again successfully handing over our donations on site!

Local aid project in Togo 2022