Monday, 12.December, 2016

DJK-Ost donates

Last Saturday, in the club restaurant of DJK-Ost, the annual Christmas party of the football department took place. I used this opportunity to introduce our projects to my teammates and the responsible persons of the association.
At this point, I would like to sincerely thank you for your attentive and focused listening and watching of the videos!
I was really impressed by your interest in SEELEVEL. So many players and their wives and girlfriends approached me to offer their help and support. These moments give everyone in our small aid organization the necessary positive power to handle new projects! Thanks a lot for this!

But not only that. Our team council has decided to present a donation box after my presentation. In view of the fact that DJK-Ost is a “student club”, the total amount of 430 € simply blew me away! On behalf of all helpers, I thank you very much for your trust and support. Also a big thank you to Dominik Nagel, who rounded up the sum to 500 €!

With these funds, we not only want to promote the existing cycling project, but also tackle a football project in Togo – by our former team-mate Blaise. Nice that in lower league football sometimes Champions League level is shown!

Marc, Max, Cosme, Lucas

DJK-Ost donates