A non-profit association founded by Marc and Max,  friends as well as passionate photographers and film-makers. We seek out unique people in the poorest regions of the world who have the vision and the will to bring about change for the better. We offer you documentaries about these people and their social engagement,  which provide us the basis for practical aid projects which we then manage and support directly.

The end product is not only successfully completed projects,  or  projects which we continue to manage on an ongoing basis , but also films documenting every stage.   So you can be absolutely sure that your donations in cash or in kind have gone straight to their intended destination.


Take a look

We visit extraordinary people in their own surroundings and accompany and document their social engagement.

Our goal:  to develop a practical local aid project and to support people in what they are doing.



Donations in cash and in kind are needed for all our projects.    Sometimes we need volunteers too.   If you like the look of one of the projects and want to help, all donations are gratefully received.


Bring about change

We organize everything ourselves and pass on your donations in cash or in kind personally.   Every donation makes a difference, every donation makes a contribution to the future.


Watch what we do

So that you can see them, we film the aid projects where they are happening, donations being handed over, and projects actually being implemented. In the final documentary you can see what  we have achieved together!

5 reasons to donate to SEELEVEL…

  1. Your donations in cash and in kind go straight to the project.   We organize everything ourselves, and transport and hand over the donations personally.
  2. We document the progress of the project and final handover.   Transparency is  important to us.
  3. We do not pay for any advertising, we work on a voluntary basis and don’t need to rent rooms or offices.  You can be sure that 100% of the money and items donated get to where they are needed.
  4. When you see from the documentaries how your donation has put a smile on peoples’ faces , you know for  sure that you have invested in something worthwhile.
  5. Your donation will bring about something positive  in this world!   Joy, new prospects, health, training, learning, better lives – in fact all the really important things.


If we have managed to persuade you that you would like to support Seelevel’s projects, please make a contribution to our donations account. Every euro helps!

IBAN: DE38 6605 0101 0108 2409 12

Each time you make a transfer you can nominate the specific aid project that you wish to support in the box entitled “intended use”. If you leave it blank, we will use the money for the most urgent projects.
Note: Donations received via PayPal or credit card will cost us fees. These fees are very small, but if you want 100% of your donation to arrive, please use the bank transfer.