A training centre for Juma’s cycling team

Purchase and delivery of building materials

aktuelles-trainingcenter0218-korallensteineLast week (February 2018) I went back to Jambiani, in Zanzibar, Tanzania, to help build Juma’s training centre. This time Mirjam, my girlfriend and co-founder of SEELEVEL, came with me and was a huge help and support. After careful planning, which was a long process this time, with Juma’s help we were able to work out in advance what building materials would be needed.   As we only had a bit less than a week there, we had a very tight schedule. Luckily everything went smoothly. We were able to order all the building materials directly from the suppliers, and get them delivered within the week. Well, perhaps not completely smoothly after all. The stones got a bit delayed because of a truck tyre that had had a temporary repair. And even when the empty truck drove away again it didn’t look as if it was running all that smoothly. Further truckloads of a special type of sand needed to make mortar arrived a day later. The mortar is used to bind the natural stones used for the walls. The walls are nearly at full height now. Load-bearing pillars are then put in at the corners to support the roof. For this we bought reinforced steel posts.

All in all we are very happy with how things have gone so far. Juma asked me to convey his most heartfelt thanks to all our donors! Once again we’ve taken photos and made films for you. Have a look here or at our video channels from time to time in the fairly near future. We’ll try and show a short video on what’s been built  so far before too long. Don’t hesitate to write to us with any questions or suggestions you may have:  info@seelevel.de.


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